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Private spa: tick

This one-bedroom pavilion, designed by Fender Katsalidis, takes its name from celebrated Australian architect and social commentator Robin Boyd. Hopefully he wouldn't have hated it.

Boyd was a social commentator as well as architect. In his book, The Australian Ugliness, 1960, he identifies our local strain of gentility with excruciating accuracy: featurism. This hideous 'decorative technique' infects the built environment with cloying prettiness, and disguises sound, elegant function. Featurism flourishes in Australia, writes Boyd:

Perhaps the explanation is that man, sensing that the vastness of the landscape will mock any object that his handfuls of fellows can make here, avoids anything that might be considered a challenge to nature. The greater and fiercer the natural background, the prettier and prettier the artificial foreground: this way there are no unflattering comparisons, no loss of face.

Ouch. Perhaps over the course of your stay in Robin you can confront the limitations of your own featurist mentality. Or failing that, get drunk and prank call the other pavilions.


  • King-size bed with great sheets
  • Spa
  • Breakfast in The Source Restaurant
  • Priority access to the museum (when it's open)
  • Complimentary Moorilla winery tasting
  • Fully equipped kitchen and laundry
  • TVs all over the place, including in the bathroom
  • Personal security screen to avoid visitors you don't like
  • Original video art
  • Shared gym, sauna and heated infinity pool
  • The usual trimmings: safe, phone, Wi-Fi, big fluffy bathrobes, daily housekeeping, incredible views, etc., etc.